Joni’s Tips: My favorite winter squash, the Butternut Squash!

This is one of my favorite winter squashes to eat! However, taking off the skin can be a bit daunting. My favorite way to break it down is by cutting off the top and bottom with a large knife. 80% of the meat of the squash is in the neck of the squash. So cut the squash just under the neck before it rounds out. Stand the squash neck up on one of the cut ends and slice the skin off in strips being sure to remove the hard exterior shell but also the lighter colored flesh just under the surface and lack flavor. Depending upon how you want to prepare the squash, dice, slice or cook whole is your next decision. If you want to dice cut into slices then then into strips and then crosswise into dice. Other wise keep it whole and your imagination is your limit. What to do with the seeded end? I peel then scoop out the seeds, then slice into half moons. If I don’t use in the current recipe I will roast and use in a salad. A perfect pairing with a kale salad, as seen in the photo!

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