How to Properly Pan Sear Fish!
Before you do anything make sure that you have dried your fish. Place the fish in between 2 paper towels and press lightly. Always preheat the oil in your pan before you put your fish in SKIN SIDE DOWN. Once in the pan using a metal fish spatula lightly press down on the flesh of the fish this allows for all of the skin to make contact with the pan. Then turn the heat down to medium. If you continue to cook the fish at high heat all that will happen is the moisture in the fish will rapidly evaporate, the fat in the skin will burn and the outer skin will be toasty and underneath will still be fatty and undercooked. So low and slow is a good rule of thumb. Also do not flip the fish until it is ready and trust me you will know. You want the fish to cook almost through before flipping…the skin acts as an insulator to the flesh of the fish. If you need to use a thermometer that reads 120 degrees F. Once you flip the fish it only needs a few moments of cook time.